To change your Volunteer Shift within the SAME event day please follow the steps below:
- Go to the Spartan Volunteer Portal and log in using the same email address you registered with. If you've forgotten your password, use the Forgot Password link on the right of the page under the "Have an Account?" drop-down.
- Once logged in, go to the My Account section.
- On the top right of the page, you can select Upcoming or All to find your Volunteer shift.
- Next to your shift, click the Settings symbol and then click Change Order from the drop-down menu.
- You will be redirected to a page where you will select the Change Your Shift option.
- Please note you can only change your Volunteer Shift ONCE
- If you need to change your shift a second time you will need to reach out to our Volunteer Team at
- You will be redirected to a page where you will select the Change Your Shift option.
- Select the new Volunteer shift you would like to change to. Please note, that you will only be able to move into a shift that is not sold out, with no exceptions.
- You will then be required to update your Wave Time AND Gender
- Scroll down to "WAVE TIME".
- Select your new desired shift time from the drop-down menu.
- Please note, that you will not be able to select shifts that are sold out.
- Please note, that you will not be able to select shifts that are sold out.
- You will also need to resign the wavier.
- Make sure to click the Spartan Waiver box as indicated in the screenshot.
- Scroll down and resign the waiver and then click Update Information.
- You will then click the big red PAY button that appears at the bottom of the page.
- There is no fee to change Volunteer shifts.
- You will then click the big red PAY button that appears at the bottom of the page.
- After you choose your new shift time, you'll be redirected to a confirmation page confirming your changes.
Make sure to reprint your Barcode (QR code) with the updated information.