
Refund Protect (Refundable Registration)

By opting in to Refund Protect, by our partners at Refund Protect, our Spartan community can protect their event Registration against many unplanned complications - including medical concerns, weather/transportation issues, work/family emergencies and much more! 


How do I opt in? 

During the checkout process for your Spartan registration, you'll be presented the option to opt-in to Refund Protect:

In order to opt-in to Refund Protect, review the added fee and select the "Refundable Registration" option. 

If you prefer not to opt-in or do not wish to pay the added fee, please select the "Non-Refundable Registration" option. 


Refund Protect FAQ:

Refund protect is administered by a third-party partner of Spartan, so our Spartan customer service team will not be able to assist with any questions regarding your protected registration. 

For Frequently Asked Questions related to your Refundable Registration, please see our partner's FAQ here. 

Refund Protect Terms and Conditions:

Refund protect is administered by a third-party partner of Spartan, so our Spartan customer service team will not be able to assist with any questions regarding your protected registration. 

For full Terms and Conditions associated with your Refundable Registration, please see our partner's Terms and Conditions here. 


How to submit a Refund Request for a Refundable Registration

You can access the online Refund Application form through your booking confirmation email that you were provided following your original payment. Both a direct link to the form and your booking reference to open your Refund Application can be found in this email so please keep a look out for the wording titled “Refundable Bookings”.

What else should I know? 

  • Refund Protect applies to your original registration only; if you choose to transfer/defer your registration using Spartan's transfer process, you will forfeit your Refund Protect coverage - Refund Protect is non-transferable. This includes transferring your own ticket to a new event, or transferring your ticket to a new person.
  • If you are purchasing a registration using your Season Pass, Trifecta Pass, or other 100% off registration code, you will not see Refund Protect as an added option. 
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